Remaining teaching activities
The European Doctorate in Law & Economics is one of the largest doctorate programmes in the field. It is a joint doctoral programme by four of the leading European universities: the Universities of Bologna, Haifa, Hamburg and Rotterdam. The stipend-based programme aims at addressing a new class of outstanding PhD researchers from all over the world.
EDLE Seminars
The EDLE Seminars are the forum of discussion for PhD students participating in the European Doctorate of Law and Economics (EDLE). They run yearly at the Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics (RILE) from October until March, normally on Thursday afternoons. PhD candidates are required to present their work-in-progress at the seminars, where they discuss it with the RILE staff and the visiting professors. The PhD students are also encouraged to submit their research papers to the RILE Working Paper Series.
Every year, the EDLE seminars host a number of invited speakers, on topics that are related to the ongoing research of the PhD students. External Law and Economics researchers are encouraged to submit a proposal for the EDLE seminars. When it falls within the current research subjects of EDLE, they can be invited in Rotterdam to discuss it with the RILE staff and the PhD students. Papers presented at the EDLE seminars are very welcome for submission to the RILE Working Paper Series.
Each year the EDLE seminars series will be concluded with a two day seminar, in cooperation with staff and PhD students of Maastricht University and the Universities of Paris II and X. The next joint seminar on ‘The Future of Law and Economics’ will be held in Maastricht.
For more information about the European Doctorate in Law and Economics, click here.
Remaining teaching activities
- Lecturer of the course Introduction to the economic fundamentals of grid law in the Master of Business, Competition and Regulatory Law at the Freie Universität Berlin;
- Lecturer of the course Grid Operation – Incentive Channeling in the MBA “Energy Management” at the Technical University Berlin