Dr. Shu Li

Dr. Shu Li is Assistant Professor in Law and Technology at the Department of Law & Business, Erasmus School of Law. He received his doctoral degree in Law and Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam in February 2021. After that, he conducted his postdoctoral research on AI and law at the Legal Tech Lab, University of Helsinki. His research was funded by the Academy of Finland. He was also the recipient of Catalyst Grant from Helsinki Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities. His research focuses on the regulation of digital technologies with an interdisciplinary approach. Dr. Shu Li’s work has been published by various European journals, such as European Journal of Risk Regulation, Journal of European Tort Law, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, etc. Dr. Shu Li is also Adjunct Professor in Law and Technology at School of Law, City University of Hong Kong and Visiting Fellow at the University of Helsinki.